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Croft House History

Croft House dates from around 1700.  It was bequeathed, along with the adjoining cottage, to the people of the village by Mr Charles Earnest Sutcliffe in his will of 1948. It consisted of one small room (now the entrance) and a larger one (about half the size of the present main room.)
Croft House served the Church and community of Upper Hopton as a centre for many activities, even though it was small.  St John’s Church used it for Church functions and meetings including the Mothers’ Union and Sunday School. The community also used it for meetings and events including Upper Hopton Pre-school playgroup, Upper Hopton Youth Club, Third Mirfield Brownies and Guides and Tenth Mirfield Cubs.
The Upper Hopton Community Association (UHCA), Registered Charity No 512417, was formed in 1980 and raised money to extend and modernise the Rooms as we see them today.

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