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Upper Hopton Community Association is a non-political, charitable organisation which was first registered in 1980 (Registered Charity number 512417).

Our main objective is to provide Upper Hopton with a great village hall (Croft House) and activities for all age groups throughout the year.
If you are new to the area, or are simply unaware of us then we would like to take this opportunity to invite you to the Upper Hopton Community Association (UHCA) which meets the first Tuesday of the month, except August, at your village hall, Croft House in Jackroyd Lane. At the meeting you are welcome to raise any issue that you might consider to be beneficial for the village. There’s no obligation to get involved, but if you are able to give a small amount of your time it would be very welcome.


Thanks to the Upper Hopton residents, there has been a progressive development of  our beloved village hall since the major extension of Croft House in 1980. Local residents time and skills have been freely given to leave a lasting legacy for our village.


We hold an annual Fete in July and the Hopton in Bloom team have a 'Garden Trail' also in July', which is always very popular. Around the Christmas period we have a 'Christmas Lunch' for older residents and open air 'Carols Around the Tree'.
There are also lots of other social events held at Croft House throughout the year which raise funds for the maintenance of  Croft House. We also raise funds for external charities through some of our events.

Did you know that as a resident you can hire Croft House for your personal event at a very reasonable rate and this is on your doorstep?


We have strong links with the local church, St John’s, Upper Hopton Club, Cricket Club, Pre-School and Hopton in Bloom. 
We are sure you’ll agree the Hopton in Bloom voluntary team works wonders in keeping the village looking so attractive, and have been awarded 'Gold' in 'Yorkshire-in-Bloom' on several occasions.

For those who want the chance to win a 'few bob', why not join our 200 Club, a small lottery draw to raise funds for the UHCA. It is only £15 per annum for a number and it is drawn at each meeting with cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd with a bonanza prize of £250 at Christmas. 

Please  come along even if it is just coming to one meeting or one event. We are looking forward to meeting you.
With your help, we would like to maintain the strong community spirit in the village.


Chair: Chris Breare

 3 Top Meadow  - 01924 492530

Secretary: Roger Leedham

 11 Elmwood Close - 01924 493568

Treasurer: Kath Cockerill

 10 Top Meadow  - 01924 494156  

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